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Hello from San Diego

Photo Booth

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Hello, everyone! New pilot here in San Diego's east county, Rancho San Diego area. I've been serious about photography since the first digital camera came along (Apple QuickTake) but, for some reason, only recently started feeling the urge to get a drone. It didn't take much research to realize that the best choice for my needs and wants (based on price, features, portability, etc.) was the Mavic Pro.

Even though the regular Mavic Pro was on sale for $150 off (Fly More combo), the one I really wanted was the Mavic Pro Platinum. My wife reminded me that it's always better to get what you REALLY want, regardless of price. She's a keeper!

It took 3 days for the Platinum Fly More combo to arrive (Fry's and Best Buy didn't have the Platinum in stock). During that time I watched all of the DJI Mavic Pro tutorials plus read a lot of information in this forum and the DJI forum (no offense to DJI, but I prefer Mavic Pilots). I downloaded all of the Mavic Pro documentation and read it to prepare for my first flight.

The MP Platinum arrived yesterday. The first thing I did (after unpacking the box) was charge all 3 batteries and the controller. The batteries were all quite low but the controller was sitting at 57%. Next I updated the firmware on both the drone and the controller. Then I mounted my iPhone 6 to the controller, turned everything on, and checked all of the settings and familiarized myself with the various settings and controls. I also spend time re-watching a couple of the DJI tutorials.

Finally, off to the back yard for my first flight. I powered everything up again and got the Ready To Go notification. I pulled the two joysticks down and inward and.... nothing! Nothing happened. The props didn't spin up at all. Thats' when I realized I wasn't seeing the Mavic's camera image on my iPhone. I checked and rechecked the settings. I turned everything off, quit and restarted the DJI Go 4 app, powered everything up again and it was the same thing. No camera image on the iPhone and, despite having the Ready to Go notification, nothing happened when I pulled those sticks inward.

The next step was to place a call to DJI's technical assistance. The first person I spoke with was clearly a total rookie at his job and I had a difficult time understanding him. The second rep was much better. After a little back and forth, his advice was to delete the DJI Go 4 app from my iPhone and download it again from the iOS App Store. THAT did the trick! After logging back into my DJI account and powering up the controller and drone, BINGO, I finally had video feed. I got a huge grin on my face when I pulled the sticks down and inward and the propellers started singing! That grin remained glued to my face while I flew the Mavic around my back yard. I practiced multiple takeoffs and landings, both manual and return to home. I went through an entire battery familiarizing myself with how the Mavic responded (in Beginner mode).

I am HOOKED! This thing is incredibly addictive! I didn't even shoot any video (yet) because I wanted to concentrate on learning to fly.

The only negative was that the iPhone screen is too small and, despite the fact that my iPhone 6 has a new battery (3 months ago), the battery was getting eaten up all too quickly. So my next accessory purchase for the Mavic will be an iPad mini 4. I already have an iPad Air 2 but that's too heavy and bulky. At some point I may mount the iPad Air 2 on a tripod with a sunshade and connect it to the controller with a long USB cable. But, for now, I like the portability and lighter weight that an iPad mini would provide.

Anyway, after some additional flying practice I'll start playing with shooting some video. The first subject will likely be my 2016 Mazda Miata, another passion of mine (Miatas). I already have a spot in mind in a canyon area where I can park my Miata and shoot some video that should be relatively scenic (in a dirt road & canyon sort of way).

My thanks to everyone for your many posts here that have proved very helpful. Like, what about that little yellow tab attached to the top of the Mavic's gimbal! I'm leaving it attached. (I later noticed in one or two of DJI's tutorial videos that the yellow tab is still attached to the gimbal.)

Hello, everyone! New pilot here in San Diego's east county, Rancho San Diego area. I've been serious about photography since the first digital camera came along (Apple QuickTake) but, for some reason, only recently started feeling the urge to get a drone. It didn't take much research to realize that the best choice for my needs and wants (based on price, features, portability, etc.) was the Mavic Pro.

Even though the regular Mavic Pro was on sale for $150 off (Fly More combo), the one I really wanted was the Mavic Pro Platinum. My wife reminded me that it's always better to get what you REALLY want, regardless of price. She's a keeper!

It took 3 days for the Platinum Fly More combo to arrive (Fry's and Best Buy didn't have the Platinum in stock). During that time I watched all of the DJI Mavic Pro tutorials plus read a lot of information in this forum and the DJI forum (no offense to DJI, but I prefer Mavic Pilots). I downloaded all of the Mavic Pro documentation and read it to prepare for my first flight.

The MP Platinum arrived yesterday. The first thing I did (after unpacking the box) was charge all 3 batteries and the controller. The batteries were all quite low but the controller was sitting at 57%. Next I updated the firmware on both the drone and the controller. Then I mounted my iPhone 6 to the controller, turned everything on, and checked all of the settings and familiarized myself with the various settings and controls. I also spend time re-watching a couple of the DJI tutorials.

Finally, off to the back yard for my first flight. I powered everything up again and got the Ready To Go notification. I pulled the two joysticks down and inward and.... nothing! Nothing happened. The props didn't spin up at all. Thats' when I realized I wasn't seeing the Mavic's camera image on my iPhone. I checked and rechecked the settings. I turned everything off, quit and restarted the DJI Go 4 app, powered everything up again and it was the same thing. No camera image on the iPhone and, despite having the Ready to Go notification, nothing happened when I pulled those sticks inward.

The next step was to place a call to DJI's technical assistance. The first person I spoke with was clearly a total rookie at his job and I had a difficult time understanding him. The second rep was much better. After a little back and forth, his advice was to delete the DJI Go 4 app from my iPhone and download it again from the iOS App Store. THAT did the trick! After logging back into my DJI account and powering up the controller and drone, BINGO, I finally had video feed. I got a huge grin on my face when I pulled the sticks down and inward and the propellers started singing! That grin remained glued to my face while I flew the Mavic around my back yard. I practiced multiple takeoffs and landings, both manual and return to home. I went through an entire battery familiarizing myself with how the Mavic responded (in Beginner mode).

I am HOOKED! This thing is incredibly addictive! I didn't even shoot any video (yet) because I wanted to concentrate on learning to fly.

The only negative was that the iPhone screen is too small and, despite the fact that my iPhone 6 has a new battery (3 months ago), the battery was getting eaten up all too quickly. So my next accessory purchase for the Mavic will be an iPad mini 4. I already have an iPad Air 2 but that's too heavy and bulky. At some point I may mount the iPad Air 2 on a tripod with a sunshade and connect it to the controller with a long USB cable. But, for now, I like the portability and lighter weight that an iPad mini would provide.

Anyway, after some additional flying practice I'll start playing with shooting some video. The first subject will likely be my 2016 Mazda Miata, another passion of mine (Miatas). I already have a spot in mind in a canyon area where I can park my Miata and shoot some video that should be relatively scenic (in a dirt road & canyon sort of way).

My thanks to everyone for your many posts here that have proved very helpful. Like, what about that little yellow tab attached to the top of the Mavic's gimbal! I'm leaving it attached. (I later noticed in one or two of DJI's tutorial videos that the yellow tab is still attached to the gimbal.)

Howdy from Wyoming Photo Booth, welcome to the community, plenty of fine folk and excellent information here.
Welcome to Mavic Pilots .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching . Thumbswayup
Welcome to Mavic Pilots .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching . Thumbswayup

Howdy from Wyoming Photo Booth, welcome to the community, plenty of fine folk and excellent information here.

Thank you, both! I have family in Wyoming (Sheridan) and I lived in Cheyenne when I was a kid. My wife and I drove across the state in 2014, visiting not only family but also the Tetons, Yellowstone and Devil's Tower. Some of my photos from that trip:






That last one was actually taken in Custer State Park in South Dakota.

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Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :)
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After another full battery of additional flying practice today I took off the training wheels and took her up to 400 feet! That was a lot of fun. I still had line of sight but it was a pretty small speck in the sky. The view was spectacular. I spun her around 360 to see the view. At one point a hawk seemed interested but it kept its distance. I was so busy watching the hawk that I forgot to trigger recording and point the nose toward the hawk. Oh well, maybe next time.

I also practiced using some of the Intelligent Flight Modes such as Active Track and Gesture. VERY cool stuff. And I shot a few videos (4K/24) and they look spectacular on my iMac.

I went through a three full batteries today. When done the controller still had 65% battery left and my iPhone was down to about 58%. I think I need more batteries and/or a faster way to recharge them. I'm considering getting this charger:,,&ddc_refnmnt=pfod&ie=UTF8&qid=1513477920&sr=8-1&keywords=Mavic+Pro+fast+charger&refinements=p_97:11292772011

Have folks had good luck with that charger? It says it's the upgraded one with proper grounding. Is there a different (better) fast charger for at least 3 batteries? Price isn't as important as quality.

Have folks had good luck with that charger?
Lots of people are using that battery charger. I'd say that's the best available option if you want to go 3rd party.
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Rats, nobody (including DJI) has stock on Mavic Platinum batteries. I want to add a 4th one. The case I picked even has room for a 4th battery (good planning on my part, eh? :) ).

I know some of you are using the standard Mavic Pro batteries in your Platinum and I may end up doing the same. It's not like the color of the battery shows up in the video. :) In the meantime, I gave DJI Store my email so they can notify me when Platinum colored ones are in stock.

Turns out there's a DJI partner store in San Diego (Drones Made Easy). They carry every DJI product plus a few 3rd party products. They had the Platinum batteries in stock so now I have 4 batteries. It was full list price ($89) but that's only $10 more than Amazon's price (and Amazon doesn't have the Platinum batteries in stock).

They had a REALLY nice 3-foot collapsable landing pad made by Hoodman. It was rather heavy and it would take a pretty significant wind to blow it away. I was startled by the $59 price but I have to admit I am considering getting one. I like the idea of one that doesn't require stakes to hold it down, yet, folds up small enough to easily fit in a Miata's trunk. :)

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Welcome! Im just a little up north from you (Mission Viejo) but i occasionally come down to San Diego to fly. There's quite a lot of nice spots to fly around in San Diego! :)
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I took my Mavic and Miata out to San Diego's backcountry today. It was my first attempt at shooting any "serious" video with my Mavic Pro. I learned some things... It is a bit difficult to maintain the same panning speed from shot to shot. Out of the box the controller joysticks are a bit touchy (something I will probably adjust). Because I wasn't successful in maintaining a consistent drone speed while shooting, I slowed some clips (and sped up others) in post. Unfortunately, that created a little bit of jumpiness at times in the final video. Also, when in P mode (vs. Sport mode) the Mavic can't go 40 mph. As I drove away the Mavic fell farther and farther behind as I reached 40 mph. But that actually worked out okay and I'm happy with the effect. I also need to get a neutral density filter for the lens. I almost bought a set of them yesterday but I wanted to try shooting without first.

Choosing the clips to use and then editing them together was relatively easy (I am fairly familiar with Final Cut Pro). More challenging was finding the right music to accompany the video. But I picked something I've used before and I think it works fine for the pace of the video.

Please be kind, I'm still learning. A 1080p version of my short video can be viewed here:

The Fabulous Fourth Generation Mazda Miata

Here's a couple of still photos that I shot with the Mavic. These were edited in post (Aperture for the Mac) to crop, boost saturation and vibrancy, as well as highlights and contrast. Click the images for much larger versions.

All in all it was a fun outing today!

Hello, everyone! New pilot here in San Diego's east county, Rancho San Diego area. I've been serious about photography since the first digital camera came along (Apple QuickTake) but, for some reason, only recently started feeling the urge to get a drone. It didn't take much research to realize that the best choice for my needs and wants (based on price, features, portability, etc.) was the Mavic Pro.

Even though the regular Mavic Pro was on sale for $150 off (Fly More combo), the one I really wanted was the Mavic Pro Platinum. My wife reminded me that it's always better to get what you REALLY want, regardless of price. She's a keeper!

It took 3 days for the Platinum Fly More combo to arrive (Fry's and Best Buy didn't have the Platinum in stock). During that time I watched all of the DJI Mavic Pro tutorials plus read a lot of information in this forum and the DJI forum (no offense to DJI, but I prefer Mavic Pilots). I downloaded all of the Mavic Pro documentation and read it to prepare for my first flight.

The MP Platinum arrived yesterday. The first thing I did (after unpacking the box) was charge all 3 batteries and the controller. The batteries were all quite low but the controller was sitting at 57%. Next I updated the firmware on both the drone and the controller. Then I mounted my iPhone 6 to the controller, turned everything on, and checked all of the settings and familiarized myself with the various settings and controls. I also spend time re-watching a couple of the DJI tutorials.

Finally, off to the back yard for my first flight. I powered everything up again and got the Ready To Go notification. I pulled the two joysticks down and inward and.... nothing! Nothing happened. The props didn't spin up at all. Thats' when I realized I wasn't seeing the Mavic's camera image on my iPhone. I checked and rechecked the settings. I turned everything off, quit and restarted the DJI Go 4 app, powered everything up again and it was the same thing. No camera image on the iPhone and, despite having the Ready to Go notification, nothing happened when I pulled those sticks inward.

The next step was to place a call to DJI's technical assistance. The first person I spoke with was clearly a total rookie at his job and I had a difficult time understanding him. The second rep was much better. After a little back and forth, his advice was to delete the DJI Go 4 app from my iPhone and download it again from the iOS App Store. THAT did the trick! After logging back into my DJI account and powering up the controller and drone, BINGO, I finally had video feed. I got a huge grin on my face when I pulled the sticks down and inward and the propellers started singing! That grin remained glued to my face while I flew the Mavic around my back yard. I practiced multiple takeoffs and landings, both manual and return to home. I went through an entire battery familiarizing myself with how the Mavic responded (in Beginner mode).

I am HOOKED! This thing is incredibly addictive! I didn't even shoot any video (yet) because I wanted to concentrate on learning to fly.

The only negative was that the iPhone screen is too small and, despite the fact that my iPhone 6 has a new battery (3 months ago), the battery was getting eaten up all too quickly. So my next accessory purchase for the Mavic will be an iPad mini 4. I already have an iPad Air 2 but that's too heavy and bulky. At some point I may mount the iPad Air 2 on a tripod with a sunshade and connect it to the controller with a long USB cable. But, for now, I like the portability and lighter weight that an iPad mini would provide.

Anyway, after some additional flying practice I'll start playing with shooting some video. The first subject will likely be my 2016 Mazda Miata, another passion of mine (Miatas). I already have a spot in mind in a canyon area where I can park my Miata and shoot some video that should be relatively scenic (in a dirt road & canyon sort of way).

My thanks to everyone for your many posts here that have proved very helpful. Like, what about that little yellow tab attached to the top of the Mavic's gimbal! I'm leaving it attached. (I later noticed in one or two of DJI's tutorial videos that the yellow tab is still attached to the gimbal.)

My name is Moe, I am in Otay Ranch area, new to drones and will be ordering my mavic pro platinum next week. Would like to see yours and how it flies if possible
Hi guys, I'm also in San Diego (Santee actually). I just got the mavic air. It was a toss-up between the pro and the air but I got the air, because I wanted something as small as possible for traveling. I also just bought a set of ND & PL filters even though I don't know what I'm doing as far as video goes . I understand photography settings pretty well but not video. I am looking for a good tutorial on video settings and other tips. Anyone have a link to a good one.? I see that there's a few people from San Diego here, is there some kind of drone club or something like that to share tips etc. I mean actually meeting and not communicating electronically. All right take care.
Welcome to Mavic Pilots from Dayton Ohio! Enjoy your MPP, Fly safe and have fun!
Hi guys, I'm also in San Diego (Santee actually). I just got the mavic air. It was a toss-up between the pro and the air but I got the air, because I wanted something as small as possible for traveling. I also just bought a set of ND & PL filters even though I don't know what I'm doing as far as video goes . I understand photography settings pretty well but not video. I am looking for a good tutorial on video settings and other tips. Anyone have a link to a good one.? I see that there's a few people from San Diego here, is there some kind of drone club or something like that to share tips etc. I mean actually meeting and not communicating electronically. All right take care.

you might want to wait/ return your Mavic air if you can... rumor has it Mavic Pro 2 is coming on the 28th of this month. If you cant, no worries the MA is a fantastic drone! Welcome.
thank you for the tip. I thought about waiting for the mavic Pro 2 but I'm going on a trip on the 20th to Cook Islands and I wanted to take my drone to take video. I've been looking for good tutorial on video settings.
Take care

you might want to wait/ return your Mavic air if you can... rumor has it Mavic Pro 2 is coming on the 28th of this month. If you cant, no worries the MA is a fantastic drone! Welcome.
you might want to wait/ return your Mavic air if you can... rumor has it Mavic Pro 2 is coming on the 28th of this month. If you cant, no worries the MA is a fantastic drone! Welcome.
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