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Advice on how to handle neighbor?

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Premium Pilot
May 23, 2022
Rochester, NY
This one is a first for me. I've been flying drones at home for years, but just a few months ago finally took the leap from $100 Amazon drone to a legit DJI drone. In that entire time I've only had some kids come up to me and want to try it. Never had a problem until today.

I'm in my back yard, on my patio with my drone about 200ft in the air off to my northeast, when I notice a man walking through the back yard. I share a fence line with a bunch of houses so I think nothing of it, until he shouts "Is that your drone?". I'm holding the controller, my landing pad is out, so it's a reasonable assumption but I hold back sarcasm and just answer "I am flying my drone." At which point the gentleman uses select words to tell me to stop hovering over his home. He said its loud, it annoys him, and he doesn't want me spying on him.

My first thought is to apologize, but then i remembered I'm flying over a farm field, so I ask where he lives. He lives in an apt building across the street to my southwest. The Polar opposite of where I've been flying the last 15 minutes. I try telling him this but he continues cursing me out. I get upset and snapped a bit when I said "Sir my drone is those bright flashing lights in the sky over to the northeast. The exact opposite direction of where you live." He says "No one else is out here flying a drone so i know it's you!"

At this point I'm getting frustrated and say "Sir even if I flew over your apartment building at some point the drone is 200ft up in the air and I can promise you no matter where I am I'm not watching you." I went a step further by showing him the 5 pics of the sunset over the farmland that I had taken via the drones album. He did not care. He told me he if he had to come back there would be trouble. The threat upset me so I lost my cool a bit and said "First off I have no desire to use a $1400 drone to watch drink yourself to death by yourself (He reeked of alcohol) , and second in this county there are no additional drone laws beyond the federal ones. I'm not going to, but if I wanted to I could fly the airspace above your apartment to my hearts content as long as I follow the laws." He gave me one last warning and left my yard.

I thought it nothing more than a drunk lonely guy picking a fight and I let it go. I continued flying my drone, consciously keeping a 100ft buffer from being anywhere near his apartment. I'm flying over woods maintening VLOS. It's nearly sunset so I turn my strobe light on as a precaution and continued flying.

My "neighbor" storms back into my back yard and takes his threats up a notch. At this point I've had it. His drunken stupidity is no longer an excuse. So I tell him to get the F off my property. I told him if I'm doing something wrong call the cops so they can come over and tell him he's an idiot.

He hurled one last threat my way along the lines of "I dare you to fly near me again!" Having had enough I lost it and said "I've shown you I'm nowhere near you, I've shown you my entire photo/video library on the drone with nothing but nature and buildings. I've told you I'm legally allowed to be here, so WTF are you going to do because your threats are idle." I guess he didn't like that because he sticks his hand in his waistband and says "I'll shoot the (Mod Removed Language)drone, then I'll shoot you." My first reaction is that he's a drunk idiot and I'm a 6'2" 280lb military veteran. I'm going to kick his (Mod Removed Language)Then I remembered all the recent events. We even had a police officer murdered on duty downtown last night. People have gone crazy. I even recently saw the most disturbing video I've ever seen in my life where neighbors had a dispute over snow shoveling and the neighbor comes back with a rifle and kills both neighbors like animals in the street. Not just shooting them, that sicko executed them over a neighborly dispute like this one.

I have a wife and kids inside so I said screw this and called the cops. Last thing I need is some hillbilly gunning me down in a week and no one knowing why, so I called 311 (Non Emergency Police). I told them what transpired, that my neighbor threatened to shoot me and gestured like he had a gun in his waistband. I tell them he reeks of alcohol so he's probably just drunk and picking a fight, but you never know.

I expected a single sheriff to respond to take a statement like an hour later. Instead, 5 minutes later, the entire Sheriff's department shows up, parks 50yds around the corner, and tactically swarm the area. Hands on weapons, the approach the neighnor who is sitting on his stoop chain smoking, and they start yelling commands "Stand up, turn around, and interlock your fingers above your head!!" Turns out I was right. Drunk hillbilly, but no gun on him.

He complains to them about my drone. They look at my drone footage and my security camera footage. I even went as far to show them my entire Drone media library in Google Photos. Years worth of flight pics and vids and not a single picture of a person other than my family on vacation, because I usually only take landscape and POI photos. Then they tell him I was nowhere near his property, but even if I was there is nothing they can do about it as long as I continue to follow the law. He tried one last tactic by saying "A lot of other people in this building have complained about his drone too. It's not just me! The obvious question the sheriff asks next is "OK, what are their names and addresses?" Of course it was a bluff. Not one of my neighbors has ever complained or asked me to stop. They leave him with a warning and tell me if he comes back I can press charges for trespassing.

Hopefully he sleeps it off and that's the end of it. I'd be interested to hear your drone flying horror stories!
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Good job keeping your cool and reporting the incident. ☮️

I do have a different approach, one that has worked really well for me.
I never try to win the Argument , but I what I do is Frame the Situation in a way that gives me the edge after years of Confrontations.

My response is always the Same : I am flying this area to see if its an acceptable area for Search an Rescue with a drone. This changes things quickly. This takes care of 9 out 10 encounters as it catches them off guard . Sound like you had number 10, not so good.

I than go into the Number of sats I am connected to, the speed that i can fly and just have a merry time with it.

I also let them know I will be flying in Different Weather Environments as well as with heavy winds.

My only exception is the Cops , if they ask me to stop flying because they are getting reports , I finish the flight and land and walk away to fly another day.

I also find that flying from inside of my car has really isolated the people that come up to me at the pier. It helps if your drone looks like a search and Rescue

There is no reason with a Drunk, best to let the cops handle it,
Gear to fly in the Rain. Land on the Water and Avoid Drunks .
Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 9.34.39 PM.png
I think you handled that just fine, but I would suggest having a firearm nearby the next time you fly. Since you are at your own house, that's not going to be a problem in any state, if the stupid drunk comes back, get your hands on it, and don't point it at him, just let him see you got something and aren't afraid to use it. If you already called the cops before and you have a clean record and are a vet, they are going to be on your side.

It's probably a bit overboard, but you never know these days, especially since you got family and kids. So I'd put any stupid ideas out of his mind before he gets the impression that he can push you around. Also, after the next encounter, definitely report it to the cops again and see if you can't get a restraining order against him to both maintain some distance and further build your case if it does come down to it.
Flying in a congested residential area is very high risk for the pilot. As a pilot safety should be paramount and extreme consideration of neighbors. When in doubt, find another area for flying. Getting into an argument with another person while flying is high risk for both parties. Best is acknowledge complaint and land drone as expeditiously and gracefully as possible. Continue discussions for a resolution at a later time.
I think you handled that just fine, but I would suggest having a firearm nearby the next time you fly. Since you are at your own house, that's not going to be a problem in any state, if the stupid drunk comes back, get your hands on it, and don't point it at him, just let him see you got something and aren't afraid to use it. If you already called the cops before and you have a clean record and are a vet, they are going to be on your side.

It's probably a bit overboard, but you never know these days, especially since you got family and kids. So I'd put any stupid ideas out of his mind before he gets the impression that he can push you around. Also, after the next encounter, definitely report it to the cops again and see if you can't get a restraining order against him to both maintain some distance and further build your case if it does come down to it.
Not sure showing a firearm is a good idea.Can be construed as a lethal threat and if the other guy is armed it may escalate.
I simply would have shown my star, and said if you do not leave you will be arrested for assult to a medically retired police officer, not to mention commander of the swat team. OR... I would have let him touch me, and then put him on the ground and had him arrested for aggravated battery of a P/O which is a felony in all states and then filed a civil lawsuit against him, plus tell the management of his apartment building that they have a mentally unstable resident who is a danger to the other residents and community so he would be removed from the building and neighborhood.
You cannot win an argument with an angry drunk; I would have broken off the confrontation sooner and called the police after the first threat.

As a Vet, you know that carrying a weapon on duty is one thing, carrying a weapon as a civilian, especially in NY is another. To have a weapon nearby is advice that can cause problems with a spouse and children; not to mention the police, who just might want to "hold" the weapon for a while to ensure everybody is cooled off.

And displaying that weapon opens a whole new can of worms. If your neighbor sees you holding a weapon, they then KNOW you have a weapon and can tell the police that YOU threaten him them with a gun, and when the police ask you did you have a weapon on or near you, did you have it on your person when you confronted the neighbor, is going to be hard pressed for the police to take your side.

New York has its own rules concerning the flying of drones (link below…) and you might want to check your city/county rules and zoning to see if there are additional limitations.

Good Luck, Fly Safe!
My neighbor came over to my house screaming "get that drone away from my property, I have teenage girls and going to shoot it if I see it again". I explained I wasn't spying on them, but my mistake was flying too low over their property! Subsequently I take the drone up to max altitude before leaving immediate area and not over their house (I live in the country). No issues since.
I do have a different approach, one that has worked really well for me.
I never try to win the Argument , but I what I do is Frame the Situation in a way that gives me the edge after years of Confrontations.

My response is always the Same : I am flying this area to see if its an acceptable area for Search an Rescue with a drone. This changes things quickly. This takes care of 9 out 10 encounters as it catches them off guard . Sound like you had number 10, not so good.

I than go into the Number of sats I am connected to, the speed that i can fly and just have a merry time with it.

I also let them know I will be flying in Different Weather Environments as well as with heavy winds.

My only exception is the Cops , if they ask me to stop flying because they are getting reports , I finish the flight and land and walk away to fly another day.

I also find that flying from inside of my car has really isolated the people that come up to me at the pier. It helps if your drone looks like a search and Rescue

There is no reason with a Drunk, best to let the cops handle it,
Gear to fly in the Rain. Land on the Water and Avoid Drunks .
View attachment 152190
“There is no reason with a Drunk,” that’s for sure! Better luck communicating with a fence post.
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This one is a first for me. I've been flying drones at home for years, but just a few months ago finally took the leap from $100 Amazon drone to a legit DJI drone. In that entire time I've only had some kids come up to me and want to try it. Never had a problem until today.

I'm in my back yard, on my patio with my drone about 200ft in the air off to my northeast, when I notice a man walking through the back yard. I share a fence line with a bunch of houses so I think nothing of it, until he shouts "Is that your drone?". I'm holding the controller, my landing pad is out, so it's a reasonable assumption but I hold back sarcasm and just answer "I am flying my drone." At which point the gentleman uses select words to tell me to stop hovering over his home. He said its loud, it annoys him, and he doesn't want me spying on him.

My first thought is to apologize, but then i remembered I'm flying over a farm field, so I ask where he lives. He lives in an apt building across the street to my southwest. The Polar opposite of where I've been flying the last 15 minutes. I try telling him this but he continues cursing me out. I get upset and snapped a bit when I said "Sir my drone is those bright flashing lights in the sky over to the northeast. The exact opposite direction of where you live." He says "No one else is out here flying a drone so i know it's you!"

At this point I'm getting frustrated and say "Sir even if I flew over your apartment building at some point the drone is 200ft up in the air and I can promise you no matter where I am I'm not watching you." I went a step further by showing him the 5 pics of the sunset over the farmland that I had taken via the drones album. He did not care. He told me he if he had to come back there would be trouble. The threat upset me so I lost my cool a bit and said "First off I have no desire to use a $1400 drone to watch drink yourself to death by yourself (He reeked of alcohol) , and second in this county there are no additional drone laws beyond the federal ones. I'm not going to, but if I wanted to I could fly the airspace above your apartment to my hearts content as long as I follow the laws." He gave me one last warning and left my yard.

I thought it nothing more than a drunk lonely guy picking a fight and I let it go. I continued flying my drone, consciously keeping a 100ft buffer from being anywhere near his apartment. I'm flying over woods maintening VLOS. It's nearly sunset so I turn my strobe light on as a precaution and continued flying.

My "neighbor" storms back into my back yard and takes his threats up a notch. At this point I've had it. His drunken stupidity is no longer an excuse. So I tell him to get the F off my property. I told him if I'm doing something wrong call the cops so they can come over and tell him he's an idiot.

He hurled one last threat my way along the lines of "I dare you to fly near me again!" Having had enough I lost it and said "I've shown you I'm nowhere near you, I've shown you my entire photo/video library on the drone with nothing but nature and buildings. I've told you I'm legally allowed to be here, so WTF are you going to do because your threats are idle." I guess he didn't like that because he sticks his hand in his waistband and says "I'll shoot the (Mod Removed Language)drone, then I'll shoot you." My first reaction is that he's a drunk idiot and I'm a 6'2" 280lb military veteran. I'm going to kick his (Mod Removed Language)Then I remembered all the recent events. We even had a police officer murdered on duty downtown last night. People have gone crazy. I even recently saw the most disturbing video I've ever seen in my life where neighbors had a dispute over snow shoveling and the neighbor comes back with a rifle and kills both neighbors like animals in the street. Not just shooting them, that sicko executed them over a neighborly dispute like this one.

I have a wife and kids inside so I said screw this and called the cops. Last thing I need is some hillbilly gunning me down in a week and no one knowing why, so I called 311 (Non Emergency Police). I told them what transpired, that my neighbor threatened to shoot me and gestured like he had a gun in his waistband. I tell them he reeks of alcohol so he's probably just drunk and picking a fight, but you never know.

I expected a single sheriff to respond to take a statement like an hour later. Instead, 5 minutes later, the entire Sheriff's department shows up, parks 50yds around the corner, and tactically swarm the area. Hands on weapons, the approach the neighnor who is sitting on his stoop chain smoking, and they start yelling commands "Stand up, turn around, and interlock your fingers above your head!!" Turns out I was right. Drunk hillbilly, but no gun on him.

He complains to them about my drone. They look at my drone footage and my security camera footage. I even went as far to show them my entire Drone media library in Google Photos. Years worth of flight pics and vids and not a single picture of a person other than my family on vacation, because I usually only take landscape and POI photos. Then they tell him I was nowhere near his property, but even if I was there is nothing they can do about it as long as I continue to follow the law. He tried one last tactic by saying "A lot of other people in this building have complained about his drone too. It's not just me! The obvious question the sheriff asks next is "OK, what are their names and addresses?" Of course it was a bluff. Not one of my neighbors has ever complained or asked me to stop. They leave him with a warning and tell me if he comes back I can press charges for trespassing.

Hopefully he sleeps it off and that's the end of it. I'd be interested to hear your drone flying horror stories!
After the first threat, I'd have stopped flying for the day, and called the cops. If I was a 6'2" 280 lb vet, maybe I'd react differently, maybe not.

This sounds like an individual who's likely to cause more problems than just harassing you about your drone. They may or may not respond, but even if they don't, the record of your call will help to establish a pattern of problems with this guy, if there is one.
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I do have a different approach, one that has worked really well for me.
I never try to win the Argument , but I what I do is Frame the Situation in a way that gives me the edge after years of Confrontations.

My response is always the Same : I am flying this area to see if its an acceptable area for Search an Rescue with a drone. This changes things quickly. This takes care of 9 out 10 encounters as it catches them off guard . Sound like you had number 10, not so good.

I than go into the Number of sats I am connected to, the speed that i can fly and just have a merry time with it.

I also let them know I will be flying in Different Weather Environments as well as with heavy winds.

My only exception is the Cops , if they ask me to stop flying because they are getting reports , I finish the flight and land and walk away to fly another day.

I also find that flying from inside of my car has really isolated the people that come up to me at the pier. It helps if your drone looks like a search and Rescue

There is no reason with a Drunk, best to let the cops handle it,
Gear to fly in the Rain. Land on the Water and Avoid Drunks .
View attachment 152190
I don't think that telling a falsehood about what you're doing is a good way to proceed. It's better to stay on the high road. It would be embarrassing if someone followed up with police, fire, and emergency services and demonstrated that you were misleading them.
I give this to the cops and the sheriff when he had a complaint on me. Told the people there was nothing he could do about it.


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I think you handled that just fine, but I would suggest having a firearm nearby the next time you fly. Since you are at your own house, that's not going to be a problem in any state, if the stupid drunk comes back, get your hands on it, and don't point it at him, just let him see you got something and aren't afraid to use it. If you already called the cops before and you have a clean record and are a vet, they are going to be on your side.

It's probably a bit overboard, but you never know these days, especially since you got family and kids. So I'd put any stupid ideas out of his mind before he gets the impression that he can push you around. Also, after the next encounter, definitely report it to the cops again and see if you can't get a restraining order against him to both maintain some distance and further build your case if it does come down to it.
Depending on your state, pulling a firearm, (even if you're not pointing it at anybody) can/will be considered "brandishing" a firearm. Especially if in the middle of an argument or confrontation while doing it. You could possibly lose your FOID card, and face other repercussions.
I simply would have shown my star, and said if you do not leave you will be arrested for assult to a medically retired police officer, not to mention commander of the swat team. OR... I would have let him touch me, and then put him on the ground and had him arrested for aggravated battery of a P/O which is a felony in all states and then filed a civil lawsuit against him, plus tell the management of his apartment building that they have a mentally unstable resident who is a danger to the other residents and community so he would be removed from the building and neighborhood.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you stated that you're RETIRED, correct? If so, please explain how it would be aggravated battery of a peace officer. So, is there a charge of assaulting a RETIRED P/O? I doubt it since you didn't mention that. Your whole response sounds like B.S. to me. You also sound like a person who is actively looking for a confrontation, just like the drunk was with the OP.
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@AFAngryWarrior, I think you handled the situation perfectly. I also subscribe to establishing a paper-trail with the police. This way, if there's any further problems, they can refer back to the initial situation and see that he was the aggressor in the then and is likely the same in any new situations.
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